Morinogi Co., Ltd.

A traditional industry that has developed through friendly rivalry between creators and users in Kyoto's more than 1,000-year history.

Kyoto City defines 74 items such as manufacturing and food culture that have formed the rich life culture of Kyoto as traditional industries. Did you know that Kyoto cuisine is designated as one of them?

Kyoto cuisine, which is based on dashi stock, cannot exist without dashi stock. There are many businesses in Kyoto that manufacture and sell kezuribushi that support this, but among them, "Morinoyoshi" is attracting attention for its new initiatives.

*Fujingaho Digital Old and new Kyoto traditional crafts

Vol.15 Current state of Kyoto cuisine

Dashi is the lifeline of taste. I want to bring back the landscape with kezuribushi in my house

Kezuribushiya, Kenji Morino